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virsh-sliver: A simple tool for creating slivers of virtual machines on Fedora

Basic script to create qcow2 backed kvm domains based on a golden domain. Your golden domain must be using qcow2 To install the the dependencies on fedora 19 run the following: yum install libvirt-client qemu-img libguestfs-tools xmlstarlet libxml2 The virt-sysprep tool can do much more than this and I could potentially set the hostname and configure the machine to run some scripts when it starts up to check in with puppet which I may do in the future.

KVM Serial console and VNC console

Configuration for libvirt to get serial and graphics working at the same time: virt-install \ --name centos6_golden \ --ram 2048 \ --arch x86_64 \ --vcpus 4 \ --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos6_golden.disk,format=qcow2,sparse=true,size=24,bus=virtio \ --location \ --hvm \ --accelerate \ --nographics \ --os-type linux \ --os-variant virtio26 \ --extra-args 'acpi=force noipv6 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 ks= ksdevice=52:54:00:A8:7A:0A ip= gateway= netmask= dns= ' \ --network bridge:br250 \ --mac 52:54:00:A8:7A:0A Serial console in GRUB: serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 terminal --timeout=15 serial console Change the kernel command line to attach ttys in the right spots.

Set txqueuelen on virtual vnetX devices with libvirt

The txqueuelen is a value in the kernel on network interfaces that sets the transmit queue length. This value can be tuned for different work loads. In the case of modern networking the defaults can sometimes be changed to get better line speeds over ethernet. Most people will do this using a rc.local command to set it on the physical ethX devices like this. vim /etc/rc.local Add the following

libvirt-qpid and python

Libvirt is fast becoming the standard tool for managing virtual machines on Linux and Qpid is the Apache foundations new implementation of AMQP which is the first open standard for Enterprise Messaging. These two technologies have the potential to work in well together for large virtualization installations and luckily for us the good guys in the libvirt team have done just that but there are currently very few examples on how to use it.